Derrick Harriell resides, with his wife and son, in Oxford MS and teaches in the English and African American Studies programs at the University of Mississippi where he also directs the Master of Fine Arts in creative writing program. His poem collections are Cotton (Aquarius Press- Willow Books 2010), Ropes (Aquarius Press- Willow Books 2013- winner of the 2014 Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Poetry Book Award), and Stripper in Wonderland (LSU Press 2017). His poems and essays have been published widely.
A two-time Pushcart Nominee, Harriell's poems have appeared in various literary journals and anthologies. His first collection of poems, Cotton was published by Aquarius Press-Willow Books in 2010. Ropes, his second full-length collection, was published in 2013, and his third collection, Stripper in Wonderland, was published in 2017.
“Harriell's nuanced ear conveys not just the intimacies of a sport but the intimacies of the human spirit.” -Beth Ann Fennelly
NOTE: The time of the reading series is now at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, September 26th.Please come out and help us welcome Derrick Harriell to Birmingham