Registration is required to participate in this event—details on our website: Please register by 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 18th.
Photo: Winter wren by Debbie McKenzie.
Seasonal bird counts have been a central part of Alabama Audubon’s work ever since its founding in 1946. This year, we’re continuing that tradition with four great counts, including this, our eighty-fourth annual Christmas Bird Count.
Together, we’ll spend the day in small groups surveying bird populations at a wide variety of sites located within a fifteen-mile-diameter “count circle,” centered near the intersection of Overton Road and Highway 280. Fall migrants, resident hawks, large waders, even common birds like Northern Mockingbirds and American Robins, are all fair game—each sighting contributes to a nearly century-long dataset with important information on shifting ranges, the effects of urbanization, and climate-related population changes.
Because this is a coordinated scientific survey, we require all participants to RSVP by 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 18th. To do so, please register using the link on our website. You should also let us know if you’re new to bird counts, as we’ll need to send further instructions on how to participate, what to expect, &c. (Don’t be intimidated, though! We strongly encourage participation by new and inexperienced birders—nothing quite builds expertise like a day-long count in the company of a seasoned birder.)
As always with our counts, we’ll meet up at the end of the day for refreshments, good conversation, and the evening “compilation,” the sometimes raucous process by which the day’s final bird list is assembled. (This is also your best opportunity to brag about all those unusual sightings you managed to get—so long as you bring proof of the really rare ones!)
Compilation location: Alabama Audubon will host the compilation at our office, located on the second floor at 3720 4th Ave. S., Birmingham, AL 35222. The compilation will begin around 4:45–5:00 p.m. (Ample and well-lit parking is available in back, just behind Rodney Scott’s BBQ.) We may all go out for dinner in the area afterwards.
Accessibility: Wheelchair access and limited parking is available in the front of the building on Fourth Avenue South. If parking in the back parking lot, there are stairs to get into the building.
Count leaders: Paul Franklin (cell: 205-542-7647; day of count only) will coordinate the count and compilation. If you have questions ahead of time, please email our Science & Conservation Director.
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Earlier Event: December 18
Teen Writing Group in Vestavia Hills
Later Event: December 22
End of Year Potluck, Open Mic & Poetry Slam