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From My Head to the Publisher: A Writing Workshop for Beginners with Deborah Rankin

  • Black Belt Treasure Cultural Arts Center 209 Claiborne Street Camden, AL, 36726 United States (map)

From My Head to the Publisher: A Writing Workshop for Beginners

4-hour workshop

March,14, 2020
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Price: $50 per student
Minimum Students: 5 Maximum Students: 15
*Bring your own lunch, we will have a short lunch break around noon

The purpose and goal of this writing workshop is to motivate and equip novice writers with writing and publishing resources to ignite, inspire, and inaugurate their writing from intangible and intangible--from thoughts to paper. Because this workshop is for beginners, the focus will center primarily on short stories, family stories, memoirs, and quick reads. This workshop is not designed for novelist and other advanced writers.

From My Head to the Publisher: A Writing Workshop for Beginners will address the following:
fiction and nonfiction writing
short story and novel
knowing your voice
writing terminology
writing elements
writing purpose and plan
moving thoughts to paper
sensory and description
using dialogue
editing: dotting i’s, crossing t's, and a whole lot more
traditional and self-publishing choices
taking the leap

Workshop Structure
Workshop structure will include both lecture and hands-on engagement with constant feedback. Handouts will be provided with opportunities for participants to complete individual and group activities. Each participant will have the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss any writing projects, challenges and successes.

Proposed Workshop Plan
10:00 -10:50am
Writing with Purpose and Developing a Writing Plan
Moving Thoughts to Paper

11:00 -11:50
Writing and Talking Like a Writer
Integrating Writing Techniques
Don’t Lose Your Voice

12:00 – 12:30

12:40 – 2:00
Editing is More than Dotting i’s and Crossing t’s
Choosing a Traditional or to Self-Publish
Q&A and Wrap up

Deborah Rankins Robinson, an author and publisher, enjoys storytelling, community service, and local history. When time permits, she enjoys photography. Not only is she an author, but she is also a book and magazine publisher. When Shame the Deacon, her first book, hit the shelves in 2018, it was an immediate hit. Within 24 months, Deborah has published and edited two additional books (Expressions of A Rural Woman by Joan Owens and The Bully Fighter by Addison Bates).
In 2014 she began publishing a quarterly magazine, The Rankins Files, which also serves as the name of her publishing and media production company. This Fulton, Alabama native began hosting Stories of Faith, a Christian television show, on Preach the Word Worldwide Network TV on January 4th.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and a Master of Science in Continuing Education. In 2015, Deborah was named one of Alabama’s Bright Lights for Community Service, and in 2016 she was named one of Small Town America’s 100 most Influential Rural Americans.

She has contributed to the following publications:
Haunted Baldwin County Alabama by Harriett Outlaw
The Silence of Time by Flossie Phelps Allen
Business Communication 6th Edition textbook published by ITP Publishing
Expressions of A Rural Woman by Joan Williams Owens (publisher and editor)
Shame the Deacon by Deborah W. Rankins
The Butterfly’s Journey by Vanessa Patterson
The Bully Fighter by Addison Bates