Alabama State Poetry Society Spring 2018 Contests
It's time for the annual ASPS Spring Contests!
Winners will be announced at Spring Conference on April 28th in Orange Beach, Alabama.
Postmark Deadline for receiving submissions: March 12, 2018
Entry fees for ASPS members ~ $1 Per poem. No limit to number of poems submitted. More than one poem can be submitted for any contest.
Entry fees for non-members ~ $5 per poem. NO MORE THAN 5 SUBMISSIONS.
The same poem may not be entered into more than one category.
Poems cannot have won a monetary award in a previous ASPS contest.
No prior publication. Poems cannot have been published before in online magazine/publication or a journal, book or other professional source.
No limit on number of entries for ASPS members, but only one award per contest. (Send SASE for winners’ list--#10 envelope only)
Line limit for all contests is 40 lines unless otherwise specified.
- Submit 2 copies of each poem on 8 ½ x 11 paper using plain type and fonts only:
- On each copy, put category name and number in upper left hand corner.
- On one copy only, put your name, address, e-mail and “member” or “non-member” in upper right hand corner. (Address labels are acceptable.)
- Mail entries and fees to Jeanette Willert, 8 Seddon Point, Pell City AL 35128.
- QUESTIONS ? e-mail Also see the ASPS website at for additional copies of this brochure and other information.
Submissions must be postmarked by March 12th, 2018.
1. ALABAMA STATE POETRY SOCIETY CONTEST (ASPS Members Only): Sponsored by the Alabama State Poetry Society.
Any form and topic; no line limit.
Awards: $75, $50, $25, $10 and 1 Honorable Mention.
2. POET’S CHOICE (ASPS Members Only): Sponsored by Jeanette Willert
You choose topic and form. Line limit: 200 lines.
Awards: $50, $25, $15. Honorable Mentions at Judge’s discretion.
3. MEMORIES: Sponsored by Roger Carlisle
A poem about any significant memories or events in your own life.
Any style. Up to 42 lines or 500 words if a prose poem.
Awards $75, $50, $25 plus honorable mention.
4. THALASSIC POEM (related to the sea): Sponsored by Jessica Temple
Any form; line limit 60
Awards: $25, $15, $10, HM at judge's discretion
5. SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT (ASPS Members Only): Sponsored by Mavis Jarrell
Poem should educate and encourage any age reader the importance of recycling or other ways to save our environment.
Any form. Maximum 60 lines.
Awards: $25, $15, $10. Honorable Mention.
6. LYDIA STEFANESCU MEMORIAL CONTEST: Sponsored by Alina Stefanescu
Any form
Length limited to one page of text, whether lineated or block prose poetry.
Open to non-members of ASPS
First prize $50; Honorable mention $25
7. SANDCASTLES: Sponsored by Myra Ward Barra
Any form; any length.
Awards: $20, $15, $10.
8. THE DODIE WALTON HORNE MEMORIAL PRIZE: Sponsored by Jennifer Horne, Poet Laureate of Alabama
Subject: An experience of change or growth.
Any length, any form.
Awards: $50, $25, $15; and $10 Honorable Mention.
9. A-MUSE ME!: Sponsored by P.T. Paul.
Choose an animal - real or imaginary - to be your muse. Then, let that animal tell us - in their own voice – how they inspire, comfort, console, and rejoice with you in your poetic endeavors! Remember: it is your Muse who is speaking, not you!
Any form, any style, minimum 20 lines, limit one page.
Awards:: $25.00, $15.00, $10.00.
10. HUMOR ME!: Sponsored by Brianna and Paula Hicks Smith.
No form restrictions. No more than 60 lines.
Topic: Anything that brings joy or a smile.
Awards: $25, $15, $10.
11. ODE TO MY PET ROCK: Sponsored by Vincent Tomeo .
Humorous, Free Verse, Line Limit: 25.
Awards: $25, $15, $10, $5
12. WRITERS ANONYMOUS CONTEST (ASPS Members Only): Sponsored by the Writers Anonymous group in Pell City.
Form: Villanelle. Line limit as dictated by form.
Subject: Any.
Awards: $50, $25, $15, $10. Honorable Mentions at Judge’s Discretion.
13. PRECIOUS PRODIGAL CONTEST (ASPS Members Only): Sponsored by Harry and Rita Moritz. Form: Any. Line Limit: 50
Subject: “There’s a New Day Dawning” (literal or symbolic)
Awards: $30, $20, $15, $10, Honorable Mentionss at Judge’s discretion
For Buddy, who loved words and books more than anyone else we’ve ever known.
Subject: Words and/or the People Who Read or Write Them
Form: Any. If you use a form, name the form. (No explicit erotica, profanity, or vulgarities)
Line Limit: No less than 30, no more than 80. (Blank lines do not count)
Prize: A single prize of $100.
Open to non-members of ASPS but must be present to win.