Meet Adam Prince, 2019 Conference Faculty. — Alabama Writers Cooperative


What’s happening in the Alabama writing world…

Meet Adam Prince, 2019 Conference Faculty.

Adam Prince Author Photo.jpg

Adam Prince earned his B.A. from Vassar College, his M.F.A. from the University of Arkansas, and his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. His award-winning fiction has appeared in The Missouri Review, The Southern Review, Narrative Magazine, and Sewanee Review, among others. His debut short story collection The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men was published with Black Lawrence Press in June of 2012. He is currently at work on a novel and several screenplays. He serves as the visiting writer for the Stoke’s Center for Creative Writing at the University of South Alabama.

Fun Facts

A short story that Adam co-wrote with his wife, Charlotte Pence, was listed as “Other Distinguished Stories of 2017” in Best American Short Stories, 2018. You can read “So Far” online.

David Rice said of Adam’s debut fiction collection: “Unable to bear the pressure of wanting everything, they try to convince themselves that happiness means living with less than enough.” Learn why.

“I think inspiration is largely a myth. It’s tied to the myth of talent, which makes writers seem like we’re special people, sage-types who channel the infinite. Of course, I’m flattered when people tell me I’m talented, but I don’t really believe it. When I started writing, my work was terrible: overintellectual, overdramatic, unclear, pompous, abstract . . . And more than anything resembling talent, what I had going for me was a great interest in writing and an even greater fear of failure. I was bad, but I was willing to work really hard to get good. So when my students turn in a story that doesn’t go over too well in workshop, I tell them not to worry—that my own writing was much, much worse.” Learn more about Adam’s thoughts on inspiration.

“THE WRITING PROCESS”, a workshop with Adam Prince
We understand that creative writing is a process, but we’re often not quite sure what that process might look like, and the prescriptive, connect-the-dots approach of many writing how-to books threatens to suck the life out our work. From conception, to prewriting, to outlining, to early drafts, to revision, all the way through to the final draft, this workshop serves as a creative toolbox for making your process more effective, creative, and fun.

Register for the 2019 Conference at Orange Beach.

Alina Stefanescu