

What’s happening in the Alabama writing world…

Writing to Uplift and Encourage: A Conversation with Kristina Howard-Booth

Kristina Howard-Booth is the author of Amazing Appellations: Discovering the Names of Jesus and Sojourner’s Journey: 70 Days of Encouragement During Times of Anxiety, Fear, and Depression. It was a pleasure to be able to chat with Kristina about her journey to writing, her desire to uplift with her work, and how she seeks to share hope with others:  

Bradley Sides: Thank you for taking the time to talk with us here at the AWC, Kristina. I’m always interested in how writers become writers. Do you mind talking about your journey to writing?

Kristina Howard-Booth: I feel as if I have always been writing; it was a way to untangle the myriad of thoughts in my head. I began journaling before I was in middle school. I tended to keep my writing to myself since I am dyslexic and did not want anyone to see how that displays itself in my handwritten journals. Praise God for computers and spellcheck. As my relationship with the Lord grew, I spent more time writing my thoughts on the Scripture I had been studying and sharing those writings with my family and close friends. About ten years ago, after walking alongside a friend as she developed an in-depth discipleship and coaching program, I wanted to write a devotional of encouraging Scriptures as a companion to the program. I did and used it with life coaching clients; then, during the early stages of the pandemic, the Lord led me to release it through KDP as my first book (which I am currently re-editing.) Through that journey, I found a real passion for devotional writing; it is a way for me to share the hope and love of Jesus with people I may never meet. I use my writing to uplift, encourage, and embolden those who read it and pray that I get to continue doing so.


BS: Your new book is Amazing Appellations: Discovering the Names of Jesus. For readers who aren’t familiar with your work, what can they expect to uncover in your latest release?

KHB: Amazing Appellations: Discovering the Names of Jesus walks through ninety of the names and titles of Jesus found throughout the Bible. They are broken down into five categories: Gospel Introductions, Prophesied Titles, Names Jesus gave Himself, Names the Disciples Gave Jesus, and Revelatory Names. Each name has a short devotional explanation and an accompanying prayer focusing on that specific name. The desire is for the reader to come away with a new and deeper understanding of who Jesus is.


BS: This is your second book, with both of your releases being devotional releases. What draws you to this space of writing?

KHB: Devotional writing is a way for me to share the Gospel with others, to show them the steadfast love and faithfulness of the Lord in a way they may not have thought about before. It is also a format that allows the reader to go as deep as they want to with it; for the busy mom, it may be that she only has time to read through it once and have it in her head for the rest of the day; or for the person that has more time they can read it and really ponder what is being said, maybe even do a bit more research on their own.


BS: What is your process like?  

KHB: My process tends to involve a lot of research and study. It is essential that I have my facts right when referring to Scripture because I do not want to take any verses out of context or mislead anyone; therefore, I spend a lot of time reading commentaries and comparing translations. Once I get to the actual writing part, I see what the Lord is saying to me in that Scripture and decide on how I would explain it to someone who may not have read it before. 


BS: I know you are active in various faith-based communities. I’m sure these experiences greatly inspire your written work, right?

KHB: Oh, yes, the Lord has allowed me to be a part of many different service organizations, locally and globally, over the years; and in every instance, the thing people needed most was hope. So learning how to share the hope found in Jesus with people in vastly different circumstances from me is the fuel for my writing. Moreover, the Lord continually shows me how to use it to encourage more than I could have ever imagined.


BS: As we wrap up here, what you are working on now? And how can our readers keep up with you?  

KHB: I am currently working on two projects: Songs of Steadfast Love, a walk through Psalms focusing on how the steadfast love of the Lord is seen in each of them, is for my weekday microblog; and I am in research mode for a study of Luke with a different slant. You can find me and my weekday writings on Instagram and Facebook @sojournersjourney20 or on my website


BS: Congratulations, Kristina, on your book’s release. I wish you much success with it and your upcoming projects!

Kristina Howard-Booth has been a passionate Christ-follower for over thirty years. She began leading and speaking to groups while in high school, a trait that carried through college as an active member of the Baptist Campus Ministries at the University of Alabama. In 2003, Kristina and her husband were appointed by the International Mission Board to go into North Africa and the Middle East, since returning home they have been a part of numerous short-term trips in the United States and abroad. Kristina’s dedication to discipleship and encouragement has only grown over the last fifteen years; along with becoming a Certified Christian Life Coach, she has continued to lead youth and women’s church groups. Kristina is currently pursuing her Masters of Biblical Theology through Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.

Bradley Sides